Hmm Better
It was better. I liked almost everything. Some people might say why am I wrting a review? Well he never sent me the file so i never got to see it. Lets start off at the top. Grahoics were like the other normal and ok. The only way grahpics could get better is if it were 3d. The sound was ok, in some parts it went with it in others it doesn't. Interactivity, i gave that a full 10, you had a lot of buttons to click on to entertain the adiance. I think that a profile (That i wrote and gave you)about each charector should be added. Stly, well it is sprites, but it is sprites nobody has ever attemted to use and succed in before so that a plus. There needs to be more violence in the movie, there needs to be moer blood and gore showing. Like when the ppl shoot arrows. It was funny at parts, like when the monks were talking. Were the supose to talk like that? There was some errros, so I blam the editor. Overall a godd solid job.